
Water Main Flushing In Index

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Water Main Flushing In Index

When it comes to the improvement of your water quality, Schleg Valley Construction is here to help. We work with the city water systems to help with water main flushing in Index. This allows you to have a fresh, quality water supply at all times.

Learn more about the process below and why this is such an important part of your daily water usage:

What Is Water Main Flushing?

This is simply the process where water is pushed through the main water lines in one direction. It cleans out any sediment, dirt, or debris that has built up in the lines. This sediment can cause your water to be discolored, have an odor, or be less than favorable.

How Long Does It Take?

The water flushing process typically takes anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. It allows the entire water line to be flushed thoroughly.

What Do You Need To Do?

The main thing to remember is to try and not to use the water during this flushing process. Using water in the home can actually cause the sediment to come into your water heater or other lines and cause issues on your end. It’s best to avoid washing clothes or laundry as well as it can cause stains.

You may notice a slight fluctuation in the water pressure around your home until the process is completed. If you notice that there’s discoloration in your water afterward, simply go outside and turn on the faucet. Letting it run for a bit will clear your lines.

Call us today at (425) 312-6750 to discuss more about the water main flushing in Index. We are excited to help you with all your plumbing, construction, and flushing needs.