
Water Main Flushing In Sultan

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Water Main Flushing In Sultan

You use water in your home for a variety of daily tasks. That’s why you must have the best quality water available. To do that, water main flushing in Sultan is important. Schleg Valley Construction is here to help ensure that you have the best quality water possible.

Here’s a look at what to expect, what to avoid, and how this process works in your neighborhood:

What To Expect

During the flush, it will take about 30 minutes to a full hour for the process to take place. You can expect a possible reduction in pressure or no reduction at all.

What To Avoid

It’s advised that you avoid washing dishes or laundry during this time. That is because the flush will push sediment through the lines and bring it into the home if using the system. Try not to use the water unless it is necessary.

How It Works

The process works by pushing a large stream of water in one direction through the main lines. This allows sediment, dirt, and debris to be cleared out of the system. It results in having clear water that tastes better and reduces any discolorations from happening.

If you happen to notice smells or sediment in the water after the flush, you can run the outside lines of your home to rinse your system. This will push any sediment that was left out, and your water will be back to normal.

The water main flushing in Sultan is a great way to ensure you have quality water at all times. Be sure to call us at (425) 312-6750 if you have questions or concerns about this process.