
Leave Your Drain Field For Septic Tank In Stanwood Up To The Professionals

Leave Your Drain Field For Septic Tank In Stanwood Up To The Professionals

For many homeowners, trying to diagnose an issue with their drain field can be a difficult thing to do. Not only will you need to have a bit of knowledge about the type of septic system that you have, it will also be best that you have some information on how the septic tank actually works. This is why it is always best to leave your drain field for septic tank in Stanwood up to the professionals when you want results.

While there are some drain fields that can still be working well after about 25 years, there are others that could fail within months if they are not installed properly. The drain field on your property has to be designed in a manner that allows for flow and function. There are a number of characteristics involved in a healthy septic system and drain field, including the groundwater level, soil percolation rate, rock, and the slope.

Some people who have septic system issues may actually have a problem that stems from the drain field. If you notice that you are dealing with tubs and sinks that drain too slowly, there is a foul odor or some sort of backup of wastewater, you may want to think about having your drain field inspected. This will tell you whether or not this is a problem that can be repaired or if you need to think about investing in a replacement for the best results.

The fact of the matter is that the biggest cause of a problem with a septic system will be the drain field, which is the major absorption component of the system itself. If the drain field becomes impermeable, the wastewater has nowhere to go in the soil, which can lead to puddling on the surface or backups into the home. These backups are not only awful to deal with but it can also be costly and dangerous to your family’s health.

Schleg Valley Construction has the experience, manpower, and equipment to get the job done on your property in a timely fashion. When you are in need of help with your drain field to make sure your septic system works as it should, you can trust in us to get the job done.

Whenever you are faced with the need for installation of a new drain field for septic tank in Stanwood, you can trust in Schleg Valley Construction. Call us today at (425) 312-6750 for more information or a time for an inspection.